Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012

Ihre Hochzeit

...The older I get and the longer I practice oncology, the more I
recognize the deficiencies in my formal oncology training. Although I
was taught well how to diagnose malignant disorders, order appropriate
diagnostic studies, and implement standard therapies, I was not
given enough guidance on how to handle common life scenarios such
as this one. Maybe every physician handles these situations differently.
Weoncologists like to intellectualize, and so I tried to investigate what
researchers have found or described about marriage and cancer. I
found statistics on how being diagnosed with childhood cancer affects
future marriage prospects; more cancer survivors stay single than their
peers. I read about how cancer influences marriage rates in men and
women differently. I learned that some cancers such as breast, brain,
and ovarian reduce marriage rates in women more than other malignancies,
and I wondered what this implied.1-3 But although I uncovered
plenty of statistics, I found no guidance to help me understand
what an oncologist’s responsibility might be regarding how to guide
patients through these critical decisions. Mehr

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