Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013

A Lobectomy by Any Other Name

There is growing recognition that not all lobectomies for lung cancer are the same. The components of the lobectomy treatment process are numerous, making it difficult to study lobectomy as a single treatment modality. Each of the lobectomy components must be viewed as having a potentially important influence on quality of life and survival. Aspects that are important include patient selection, particularly, finding a patient who is medically fit to withstand the surgical procedure and who has been thoroughly assessed by noninvasive or minimally invasive means to rule out metastatic disease. In addition, patients and their support system should be emotionally preparedfor the procedure and the postoperative issues that arise. The surgeon must be thoroughly trained, educated, skilled, and focused to perform themost appropriate procedure to provide the best outcome: the best short- and long-term survival with the least probability of morbidity and debility. Mehr

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