Rajaraman Durai, specialist registrar1, Sumantra Kumar, consultant radiologist 2, Sha-Nawaz Ruhomauly, consultant surgeon1, Happy Hoque, consultant surgeon1
1 Department of Surgery, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, Kent, 2 Department of Radiology Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, Kent
A 61 year old man presented with a ten day history of right sided non-colicky abdominal pain radiating to the back, and four episodes of fever with rigor, each of which lasted an hour. He had no other gastrointestinal or urinary symptoms. His only medical history was a ureteric stone. He did not take any drugs, and drunk alcohol in moderate amounts regularly.
On examination he seemed well, apyrexial but tachycardic with a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute. His blood pressure was normal. His chest was clear. Examination of his abdomen showed a tender 15x10 cm swelling in the right anterior lumbar region.
Chest radiograph did not show pneumoperitoneum. His blood test showed neutrophilia (20x109/l and a raised C reactive protein of 200 mg/l. The rest of the blood tests including amylase were in the normal range. An abdominal radiograph and computed tomogram of the abdomen and pelvis were performed.Questions
1 What can you see in the abdominal computed tomogram?
2 What is the diagnosis and why?
3 How would you treat this condition?
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